Thursday, June 07, 2007

The Messenger Destroyed the Message

Okay, here's the complaint.


Again I was the victim, along with about 50 or 60 other people in the crowd.

The message was good.

The delivery ruined a good message.

The presenter, a government employee, used PowerPoint to back up his presentation. Or really, he read from his slides. Luckily, he only had a little over 10 minutes and had narrowed the number of views. If he'd had more time, I might have resorted to sucking my thumb.

Now tell me, even if you are going to be a bad user of PowerPoint, how many words should be in each bullet point?

Try fifty!

And it was legal verbiage. Isn't that nice. Not only did I have to squint to see the mini words on the screen, but when I finally engage my brain, it is convoluted legalese.

This man could have delivered a memorable talk, and could have even backed it up with PowerPoint, using it to backdrop images of his message.

PowerPoint. It makes most of the presenters of the world even worse than bad.

That's all for now folks.

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