Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Door #1 or #2?

Speed-networking can be one of two things, either good or bad!  There is no in-between.

Last week I was at a Findlay Chamber Speed Networking and for the most part it was good.

Most of the participants realized that in two minutes they can't tell (or sell) everything.

One particiapant, however didn't know understand the concept of finding people to establish relationships.  She was in full sales mode.  She had a sales sheet inserted into a plastic protector and she used it as she pointed out all the benefits of using her services.  She never made eye contact, nor did she smile.  At the end she handed me (and everyone else) a big plastic bag full of more propaganda and candy and pens and pencils and.....

Others in the room understood the need to get to know who was sitting across the table from them.  They understood that while we may not be able to do business with them, that we still may be able to help them.  They conversed and smiled!  We traded business cards and maybe an announcement or one other small advertising piece.

Guess who are the ones I have scheduled appointments to get to know better?  I know you're smart, so you already know it is door #2.  The thought of sitting down with the lady from door #1 is very scary!

Speednetworking is meant to be a way to meet people and then to make a decision as to who you will meet later to discuss things more in-depth.

What is your experience with this type of marketing?  Share your experiences!

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