If you meet a new contact and never communicate with that person again, the networking you are doing is a waste of time. It it so wonderful to receive a note from someone I've just met, and I know the benefit of sending thank you notes and follow- up missives. My challenge up to this point has been finding the time to write those important notes, find the stamps and remember to take the letters to the post office.
Now I am using Sendoutcards.com. It is so great! It automates as much as possible this task without taki

Ivan Misner, Chairman of BNI, realized the value of this service and has named Sendoutcards.com a strategic partner of BNI. That's quite an accolade as Misner doesn't partner with just anyone.

Just so you know, Julie Higby (organized@buckeye-express.com) is my representative for Sendoutcards.com. She has put up with all my questions and late evening phone calls when I can't figure something out. I am not so talented in this technology stuff, so probably I have more challenges than others!
Who do you need to send a note to and what do you need to say?