It's already time for another fun-to-read book report from CN Grad, Don Kardux, Business Navigators. This one is really fun, so don't miss it!And here it is:
Over two years ago my dear friend, the lovely Debby
Peters, said to me, “Don, you read a lot of books and you always share what you
think of them with a few of us. Would you be willing to share with the entire
Connext Nation Community?”
I said, “Connect to a larger audience? That’s not
like me.”
This is the twenty-fourth book I am reviewing for CN
and next month will start my third year.
Debby thanks for the opportunity! (You are so very welcome, Don!)
I reviewed my
reviews and found a most important book missing.
You see, as I graduated from teaching English and
Drama and entered into the world of sales (Territory Manager for Lennox
Industries 1980 to 1990) I decided I better learn about business and goals and
managing myself.
Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson’s runaway best seller
came out in 1982. I read it and applied the principles first to myself and
later to my clients.
It’s a short book.
In one hundred and six pages three core behaviors
can change people and ultimately organizations.
At the time the book came out there was a major
division in the approach used to manage business.
“Tough"managers who like these words: autocratic,
bottom line, hard-nosed, realistic, profit minded.
“Nice” managers who like these words: democratic,
supportive, considerate, and humanistic.
Blanchard likes to write in short story form and so
begins the book this way.
“Once there was a
bright young man who was looking for an effective manager.
He wanted to work for one. He wanted
to become one.
His search had taken him over many
years to the far corners of the
‘bright young man’ finds the ‘One Minute Manager’ and discovers that he is not
just a blend of “Tough and Nice” but has significant differences with each.
On the nineteenth page of the book is the core
statement and the rest of the book tells us how it can be achieved.
Who Feel
There are only three tools that are used but, it is
essential that you read and understand them.
Minute Goals
Minute Praising
Minute Reprimands
Of course, I think you should read ( and for many of
use) re-read, The One Minute Manager.