Monday, June 01, 2015

And Now He Wants Me!

My son, Greg Peters, who writes The Reluctant Networker blog, recently wrote a post about the challenges of "feeding the fire" of networking to keep the relationships going.  I think we all have that issue and if we could wave our magic wand to figure out a way to regularly, connect personally with all those wonderful people we've met along the way, we would certainly purchase that contraption!

That being said, I have to tell about an experience I had just recently.  There is a person who resides in my address book.  In the past he has expressed interest in what I do, not only for him, but also for his team.


Whenever I have invited him to an event or just tried to re-connect via email and phone, it's like my message has gone into the Bermuda Triangle.  For years.

I have removed him from my list of people that I notify when there is a fun event upcoming.

Just the other day, I received a request to connect with him on LinkedIn, which included a message that went something like this.  "Because you are so well networked, now that I need to recruit some people for my staff, I'd like to use you."  Well, maybe not exactly those words.

Needless, to say, I ignored the request.

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