Today, I had an early Monday morning coffee appointment. I looked on my calendar last night to see what my next day looked like and noticed this appointment with Amy, no last name, at Panera. My convoluted brain immediately changed Amy to Kim (you know, three letter names!). Kim is in my BNI chapter and I know that we have a one-to-one meeting scheduled. Don't ask about my brain!
So when I arrived on the dot at Panera a young women was sitting at a table and she made eye contact with me like she knew me. Not being Kim,
I was mystified. I thought, "She just knows me from somewhere, " and to be nice I said, "Who are you meeting this morning?" Smooth, I know! I'm sure you've guessed the rest of the story, it was AMY and she said, "You." with a very puzzled looked on her face.

But that's not the end, oh no! I could not remember anything about her. Nada. I gave myself a few minutes of thinking time by excusing myself to get coffee, but those certain brain cells did not ignite. I do think I covered myself by saying, so tell me about what you're doing. As soon as she said the first sentence, I put it all together. I had met her at a networking event ONLY last week, but you know, my CBC got in the way!
What's your story that can top this????