Tuesday, February 02, 2016

When You're Down, Read Don's Book Report

Whereas last month's book selection needed some time to read and savor, Don's selection for this month is a quick read, quick use, always relevant type of book.  The author Jeffrey Gitomer is a favorite of mine.

In less than 200 pages Jeffrey Gitomer blasts the reader with positive affirmations.
This book does not build chapter to chapter.
You can begin in the middle and move to the front or choose a different page each time you finish one.
There are no chapters only elements of focus on attitude.
Jeffrey identifies six elements, however, he calls the sixth element 'Element five point five'

  1.  Insight to your inside attitude
  2. Self Awareness 
  3.  Actions 
  4.  Attributes 
  5.  Achievement 
  6.  Fulfillment

At the end of a few Element selections he gives you the opportunity to take a self-evaluation test with the rating system of 1-5... 1 Never, 2 Rarely, 3 Sometimes, 4 Frequently and 5 All the time.
It's an interesting tool and can help clarify where you stand in his total rating system which is sort of a positivity index. 

The book is cleverly laid out with lots of eye catching font colors, size changes, cartoons and cute drawings.
While "The Little Gold Book of Yes! Attitude" is not deeply philosophical it's a good book to have around.
It could be visited every time you need your 'Attitude Battery' charged.
To follow my often used food metaphor this book is a great light appetizer for those days you just don't want to digest a full meal.

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