Jill McCartney, President/CEO of the chamber, asked me to help the vendors be more successful with the ideas I presented in my talk.
Of course, this may have been a little late, since I was presenting at their vendor lunch just before the doors opened. But better late than never.

One thought I gave them was to establish goals for what they wanted to achieve for the show. (Does this sound like a broken record?) As all 50 or so exhibitors listened, I knew this idea was a new concept for most. To help get the idea into action, I asked for a few volunteers who would be willing to share their newly formulated goals with the rest of the group.
Guess what?

Two out of the three who volunteered had other vendors stand up and extend their business cards, because they already could be of help in reaching the goals.
So vendors, set and share your goals. I think you'll be surprised at how helpful everyone can be.
And then share you story with us in the comments.