Don begins, "I've probably read over two hundred management and
leadership books in the past thirty years.
Too many were overblown and overly complex. Or as Bill
Treasurer, (who is - a real Treasure) says, "The complexification of
By the way, don't look for the correct spelling. I think
Bill coined the word.
So when Bill stated in the book’s preface, "I resign
from the legion of Leadership Complexifiers," I was encouraged.
He did not disappoint.

On the last page of the preface Bill writes, "The
approach to leadership described in this book is based on the simple and
well-tested idea that leaders help people and organizations grow when they
focus on creating opportunities for others. But just because the idea is simple
doesn't mean it is easy. Open-door leadership takes work. So let's get started.
How do you start opening doors for people, and what's in it for you if you
In the preface he outlines each chapter with a matrix
which includes three columns. Chapter/ You'll Learn / Key takeaways.
What a wonderful contribution to clarity
For example:
Chapter 3- Purposeful Discomfort
Why is making people uncomfortable - in a way
they can absorb- is every leader's primary job
Create discomfort for both yourself and
others to inspire them to grow.
I particularly liked 'Ways to increase accountability'
pg. 84, chapter 9, The Door to Personal Transformation.
As with many good leadership books, Open-door Leadership is chock full of wonderful examples of people
and situations which clearly illustrate the point in focus.
It's worth the read and I'd like to thank my client and
good friend Roy Hauser for literally putting this book in my hands.