Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Linked Off

So about a  year ago I had an appointment with a gentleman that was referred to me by another person who I don't know well.  We'll call my appointment guy Jake.  Jake was interested in what I had to offer him and 
asked for me to provide some specific information.  I sent the information the very next day.  I followed up with a phone call......three times.  I also texted and emailed to make sure that Jake received the information.  I did not hear one word from this man.  Rude.

Now just the other day, I received a LinkedIn message from him asking me to help him recruit new people to his company.  Ruder.

I figure I was one of hundreds of people that he contacted in the same manner, mining his LinkedIn position.  This is what I really dislike about LinkedIn and the way it is being used by some.  But really it is not this social media platform that is at fault.  Really the responsibility lies right with the user.  One who is so rude that I would NEVER refer a person to work for him.

What are your thoughts on this?


LadyLeader11 said...

I have not experienced that situation however, I would have handled myself the same way you did. Following up with someone, is the professional way of staying connected to those you have reached. Conversely, when some is rude and does not take the time to respond to you, it gives you a clue as to where their priorities are. At some later point in time, they reach out to you unexpectedly to help them with something; it makes me wonder, did they think you were going to forget how rude they were from the beginning?

As leaders, the first rule in leadership is relationships, relationships in every aspect of business. Walk the walk, talk the talk, and treat people the way they want to be treated. In the case mentioned above, clearly this person was treating you the way he prefers to be treated.

Debby said...

Thanks for your thoughtful comment. The crux is that this person had asked me to follow up with information that was requested. Either he died and has been re-born or this person did not receive my many texts, emails or voicemails.